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Bilingual Writing Coach

Retreats, Conferences, and More...

Check out the  Services Page for the Following:
Book Formatting; Cover Design; Editing;
Spanish Language Instruction & Translation
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for a variety of offerings

and my updated Blog​
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Proud Member of Nomadic Wordsters
of Western PA, Unites States

NOW Available

Some of my books are available from

Tree Shadow Press,

Amazon, and B&N and other online stores


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Flutter Me By / Pelusas de Hadas


Illustrated by Belinda Cohen

This bilingual picture book is many things.
A story.
A poem.
A dream.
A lullaby.
Join in the journey into a world where few are invited.
Follow the adventure.
Dare to dream.


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So Much Fun! / ¡Muy Divertido!


Illustrated by Belinda Cohen

This bilingual book explores many ways that family visits create lifelong memories. When families live far away from each other, spending time with grandparents and cousins is FUN!


How many of the fun things in this book do you like to do?


Este libro bilingüe (inglés/español) se enfoca en la diversión familiar. Cuando las familias viven lejos unas de otras, ¡pasar tiempo con los abuelos y los primos es DIVERTIDO! Este libro está lleno de cosas divertidas para hacer con la familia.


¿Cuántas te gustan hacer?

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Chocolate Spaghetti for Breakfast:
Espaguetis de chocolate para el desayuno

Illustrated by Laura Garvin


Chocolate Spaghetti for Breakfast / Espaguetis de chocolate para el desayuno is a bilingual picture book about a resourceful child who finds an interesting way to spend the morning.

Some mornings you let Mom sleep in, even when you are hungry. Follow the adventure on the way to an unusual meal.


Un libro ilustrado bilingüe sobre una niña ingeniosa que encuentra una forma interesante de pasar la mañana.


Algunas mañanas dejas que mamá se quede dormida, aunque tengas hambre. Sigue la aventura de camino a una comida inusual.

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What's that Noise?: ¿Qué ruido es?

Illustrated by Cassidy N. Bodnar


FINALIST for The Author Zone (TAZ) Awards


What is that loud noise coming from behind the door to the next room? Is it an elephant? Or, maybe twenty wolves? Or something else? This bilingual book is a fun way to solve a mystery, count to twenty and learn words for wild animals.

¿Qué es ese ruido fuerte que viene de detrás de la puerta del otro cuarto? ¿Es un elefante? ¿O, tal vez veinte lobos? ¿O algo más? Este libro bilingüe es una forma divertida de resolver un misterio, contar hasta veinte y aprender palabras para los animales salvajes.




To reduce negativity in the world, it is vital to devote time to the positive.

Holidays. Special Days. Momentous Events. Personal Triumphs.


All are worthy of being celebrated.


This collection focuses on all of the above.

The style of each piece is as varied as the contributors and includes:

Poetry, Essays, Stories, and Articles. Start at the beginning and read in order. ~ OR ~ Open the book to any random page. There is something here for everyone.

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Snow Pants for Isabella / Pantalones de Nieve para Isabella

Bilingual picture book:

Winner of "Best Children's Book" The Author Zone TAZ Awards, 2020

Isabella knows her own mind and isn't concerned with doing what everyone else does. A true "mighty girl" story, written in both English and Spanish.

It’s the first big snow of winter and Isabella can’t wait to play outside with her brother. Find out how she fixes some of her unexpected problems.


Es la primera nevada del invierno e Isabella no puede esperar para jugar afuera con su hermano. Averigüe como ella consigue soluciones para unos problemas no esperados.
Illustrated by Cassidy N. Bodnar



My poetry book, Raw & Unfinished was published in March 2018 and received an award at the 2018 The Author Zone Book Awards. This collection of some of my award winning poetry combines with other published and fresh poems.

Life’s journey begins before we are born and continues after we are gone. Here are words of past, words of future, words of dreams. Like me, the words on these pages are Raw and Unfinished.


My book, And My Mother Cried / Y Mi Mamá Lloró was published in August 2017.


It was named "Best Children's Book of 2017" at The Author Zone Book Awards.

This bilingual (English/Spanish) is based on true events. Anyone who has made a "far away" move can relate to the experiences of the story. The illustrations by Michelle Bowden Dobi truly bring the words to life. 




Prompted, Prodded, Published: How Writing Prompts Can Help All Writers was published in April 2017. This hybrid book is part writer's guide and part anthology of examples of how writers of all levels can use prompts. It won an award at The Author Zone Book Awards 2017.




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Pages: A Library Play


Páginas un Cuento de Bibliotecas



Libraries and the books they hold play a vital role in our world.


In a possible future where communities stop supporting libraries:

What would you do?

What can you do?

This one-act play explores a possible future where communities stop supporting libraries.


Discover what a small group must do to save the past for the future...
no matter what the cost.


Today libraries across the country are being closed due to lack of community and government support.


The circumstances presented in this play are all too real.


What would you do if faced with these decisions?

What can you do now to prevent it from happening?

The future of libraries and books is in your hands. 


Also available in Spanish.





Currently booking

In-Person events. 


Contact me to schedule Book Signings, Workshops, Retreats, Open Mic Readings & Presentations and other events.


When I'm not writing, I find ways to help and encourage others with their writing through a variety of writing groups, conferences, performances, retreats, and other events.


Frequent visitors will benefit from helpful hints, exercises, and writing prompts which will enable you to avoid writer's slump. 



Workshop Topics
Writing Groups
Writing Prompts
Indie Publishing
Formatting Manuscripts
Editing Basics
Freelance Writing
Stage Playwriting

Writing for Children
Writing Retreats
more by request 




August 5

Marti Park Craft Show & Flea Market

9:00 - 4:00
Marti Park, New Wilmington, PA 16142


September 16

Festival of Books in the Alleghenies

Ebensburg, PA 15931


Experience:  B.A. in communications and writing from Westminster College. I lead and attend various writing groups in the Pittsburgh area and online and also host writing retreats and other events. I am also a freelance bilingual writer, translator, and editor.

Award winning body of work includes: poetry, short stories, bilingual (English/Spanish) children’s stories, fantasy, fiction, creative nonfiction, and writing guides. 

I have programs available for Writing Groups, Libraries, Bookstores, Bilingual (English/Spanish) Interest Groups, Senior Living Communities, Schools, and Other Groups.

Travel Area: Approximately 200 mile radius from Pittsburgh
Willing to travel farther, if over 250, would need travel expenses paid.

Fees:  Negotiable


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