-Author & Writing Coach, Playwright, Poet, Editor-
Debra R. Sanchez
Workshops & Classes
Here is a look at some of the workshops & classes that I offer to writing groups, libraries, bookstores, bilingual (English/Spanish) interest groups.
Topics for
Workshops & Classes
Writing Groups
Writing Prompts
Stage Playwriting
Editing Basics
Formatting Manuscripts
Freelance Writing
Indie Publishing
Writing for Children
Travel Area: Approximately 200 mile radius from Pittsburgh.
Willing to travel farther, if over 250, would need travel expenses paid.
Fees: Negotiable
Contact me to book your session.
Workshop Descriptions
Writing Groups
Writers Alone, Writers Together
Writers generally do work their craft alone. That does not mean that writers should be alone. Finding support with a good writing group can make the difference between solitary uncertainty and celebrated successes.
There are many kinds of writing groups. This workshop will cover the following topics:
What are the different types of writing groups?
What do writing groups do?
How to find the right kind for your needs.
How to create your own if you can’t find one.
Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts Can Help All Writers
Whether you are just beginning or are a seasoned author, it can be beneficial to use prompts to jumpstart an idea or build on existing skills.
This workshop will answer your questions about prompts:
Who needs them?
What are they?
When they are most beneficial?
Where can writers find them?
Why they are necessary?
How can writers use them?
Workshop includes in-class prompts exercises to build writing skills.
Stage Playwriting
From Page to Stage
Writing for the STAGE is not the same as writing for the PAGE. It is also not the same as writing for the SCREEN.
This workshop will focus on basic principles of writing for live stage performance.
Elements of a play
Character development
Dialogue & Monologue
Stage Action/Directions
Workshop includes hands on exercises, if time permits.
Editing Basics
Tips, Traps, and Tricks
Writing is just the first step. Before you can send your work to be considered for publishing, you need to be sure it is ready to go. How? Editing. Don’t count on “spell-check” to find everything for you.
This workshop focuses on some of the common errors that writers commit.
How to find them. How to fix them.
Easily Confused Words
Finding Typos
Workshop includes worksheets, guidelines, and hand-on editing exercises.
Formatting Manuscripts
Looks Matter
Your manuscript is written and ready to go. Are you sure?
They say “you can’t judge a book by its cover” but the truth is that they will judge it by the look of the words. Whether you plan to self publish or take the traditional route and send your work to an agent or publisher, you need to be sure that your work is properly formatted. It may be amazing and perfectly edited, but the reader/editor/publisher will not read it if it is not properly formatted.
This workshop will help you learn how to:
Define basic formatting elements
Format for self-publication
fonts/ front and back material/justification/line spacing/margins/
Know what the publisher/agent wants
Set up the page in Word
Understand the importance of justification
Memoir Writing
Write Your Life
(weekly class)
Everyone has a life story worthy of writing. Join us to get yours started. This memoir class will give you the basic tools you need to begin to write the story of your life.
Who should take this class? This class is for anyone who is alive. It is geared toward adults, but suitable for younger writers, too.
What level of writing is required? The only thing you need is the desire to get your stories in writing. You will be guided through exercises and assignments that will teach the beginner and enhance the experienced.
What to expect? Classes will be a combination of lecture, in class exercises, assignments, and critique sessions where you will learn the importance of editing.
Write Your Life
This workshop covers the following topics which will help you to write the story of your life.
What is memoir?
How do I start?
Differences in memories
Writing basics – grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting
Workshop includes in-class worksheets, activities, and exercises.
Spanish Basics
¿Cómo Se Dice? How Do You Say?
(series of classes)
This class will start with the basics and build vocabulary and skills as students progress.
Beginning with:
Introductions, Pronunciation, Numbers, Colors, and Days/Months/Seasons
Continuing to:
Articles – Gender and Number
Basic Sentences
Developing Skills:
How to Ask Questions
How to Say What You Want to Say
Helpful websites and other sources will be shared for additional DIY learning.
¿Cómo Se Dice? How Do You Say?
This basic workshop will help beginners learn how to say some vital words and phrases in Spanish. Topics include:
How to Ask…
Helpful websites and other sources will be shared for DIY learning.
One-day retreats where you can feed your muse.
Getting Away to
Get it Together
I offer retreats that are packed with a well balanced mix of:
Group activities
Individual challenges
Quiet alone time with nature
Creative writing prompts
Bonding with other writers
Time to work on individual projects
Come prepared to work on strengthening your skills through a variety of activities that will help you with your work-in-progress and/or future writing projects.
Contact me to schedule a retreat. Now booking retreats for individuals and groups.