*Play*ing in the Library
What happens when you write a play about libraries set IN a library?
You have it performed IN a library...what else?
Last night, after far too few rehearsals, I had the privilege (honor? headache?) of not only seeing my play “Pages: A Library Tale”* come to life, but I also directed and produced it. The past few weeks have been a little bit stressful and a whole lot of chaos, but in the end, it was worth it.
I hear you asking, “Other than libraries, what was the play about?” (Yes, I did hear you ask. Everyone knows that writers of all types have special powers like that.)
Here’s my answer. Libraries and the books they hold play a vital role in our world. This one-act play explores a possible future where communities stop supporting libraries. What would you do? What can you do?
The action starts in the present and continues into a possible dystopian society. After the performance several people from the audience commented that the play opened their eyes to a lot of issues that could lead us into disaster. More than one went on to say, “I could see this happening. It is scary how real and possible the danger is.”
The play was well received by the library staff, the audience, and even a professional theatre critic. I’d say it was a great success.
*If you would like to perform in your library, or other non-profit, it is available for cost and a small royalty. If you want it for a for-profit venue, the royalty is slightly greater. Contact me to discuss details.